Of course, we would like to send you all the information about the Kaiserbäder by post. But you know: for the sake of the environment. That is why we offer you our information material such as the host directory for the island of Usedom as well as the image magazine, the spa and healing forest brochure, the OstseeTherme Usedom flyer and other information material about the Kaiserbäder as downloads. But we also understand that a book is nicer to read in your hand than on a tablet. That is why you can still have the host directory for our country and the Kaiserbäder image brochure sent to you free of charge by post.


Information for everyone


List of hosts on the island of Usedom
Whether hotel or holiday apartment, whether the north of the island or the imperial baths - you will find your accommodation on the Baltic Sea in the guest catalog of the island of Usedom.
Image brochure Imperial Baths
The wooden path leads straight into the diffuse morning sky. Salty air tingles in your nose. The steps across the dunes become faster, the louder the constant noise penetrates the ear. And suddenly there she is. The Baltic Sea. To the horizon.
Health and healing forest
The "green" doctors in the Heringsdorf forest are around 150 years old. They are tall, infinitely patient and available to everyone at any time. Here you can meditate under beeches and branches, test your physical fitness on training equipment, reduce everyday stress and strengthen your health.
OstseeTherme Usedom
In the OstseeTherme Usedom you are so close to the sea. In addition to five pools for the whole family, it also offers a sauna world, a spa center and a sports and health studio.
Dog flyer
All information for man’s best friend at a glance.
geocaching app
On a treasure hunt in the imperial baths but don't have a GPS device at hand? Here are the instructions on how you can carry out our geocaching tours using the app on your smartphone.

We are pleased that you are interested in the imperial baths on Usedom. Please fill out the order form so that you can order our host catalog and our image brochure free of charge. You will then receive an email from us with an activation link to confirm your data. We will then send the desired information material directly to your home.
You can download the digital version of our host catalog here: Download the 2024 host catalog here

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