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Fishing beach


Welcome to the fishing beaches

Our traditional fishing beaches, which the last professional fishermen in the Imperial Baths are allowed to call their workplace, are characterized by historic boats on the beaches, the wooden fishing huts behind the dune and a wide range of freshly caught fish. The fresh fish is directly processed here and finds its culinary finale as fillets, fish rolls or even hot and cold smoked. The fishing beaches can still be found in all 3 seaside resorts: Ahlbeck, Heringsdorf and Bansin. Right there you will also find the stalls or affiliated restaurants where you can enjoy the fresh fish. You can also follow one or two “Schnack up Pommersch Platt”.

Fischer Marcel Piper2

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The herring shaped the imperial baths over 200 years ago and gave Heringsdorf and its community its name. The fishing profession developed and in 1932 there were over 7.000 professional fishermen in Pomerania. Over the years this number has declined rapidly and today there are only 5 in the imperial baths. But the tradition lives on and you can still find a few fishing boats on the beaches waiting to be used the next morning. 

The open air fishing exhibition in Ahlbeck also offers valuable insights into the world of fishermen, their history, their future and other interesting information about being a fisherman.

The traditional craft of net-making is essential to the work of a coastal fisherman, but it is increasingly being pushed into the background and is slowly being forgotten. This video shows how our fishermen made their nets to fish with.



The fish on the fishing beaches don't have to travel far: most of them come from the Baltic Sea, a smaller part from the surrounding waters. They are processed directly and often end up in the local smoking ovens, which envelop the beaches with the unmistakable aroma of local smoked fish. But the popular fish sandwiches in the sales huts and the fine fillets in the restaurants are also at home here.


The reduction in fishing quotas, the rise of industrial fishing and the associated globalization of the market have made regional coastal fishing increasingly unattractive. This has resulted in the fishing profession becoming less attractive and support for the training of fishermen has come to a standstill. Since the 5 professional fishermen who still work in the Kaiserbaden are of older vintage, the profession continues to shrink. 

But there is a ray of hope, the young Nils Krüger wants to continue the fishing trade and the family business and with it the history of coastal fishing and the associated tradition.


In view of the impending extinction of our professional fishermen, a story was recorded as part of the contemporary witness series. Former coastal fishermen Ewald Hellfritz and Horst Schmidt talk about how an unforeseen change in the weather can change the situation on the high seas.

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